Size: | Price | Quantity | |
5 mg | $70.00 | ||
25 mg | $260.00 |
T-10418 (1608784-68-4) is a potent (EC50 = 820 nM) and selective (against 300 non-olfactory GPCRs) agonist of G2 accumulation protein (G2A; GPR132). At 100 nM, T-10418 resulted in 244% TRPV1 sensitization in mouse sensory neurons. T-10418 is an interesting new chemical tool to study G2A biology.
98% HPLC
NMR: (Conforms)
Materials provided by Focus Biomolecules are for laboratory research use only and are not intended for human or veterinary applications. Please note that we do not sell to individuals and that all orders placed by non-research organizations will incur a $20 restocking/refund fee
T-10418 (1608784-68-4) is a potent (EC50 = 820 nM) and selective (against 300 non-olfactory GPCRs) agonist of G2 accumulation protein (G2A; GPR132). At 100 nM, T-10418 resulted in 244% TRPV1 sensitization in mouse sensory neurons. T-10418 is an interesting new chemical tool to study G2A biology.
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