Size: | Price | Quantity | |
5 mg | $60.00 | ||
25 mg | $200.00 |
Tepotinib (1100598-32-0) is a selective type 1b MET inhibitor. In biochemical assays using His6-tagged recombinant human MET kinase domain, tepotinib inhibited kinase activity in a concentration-dependent manner with IC50=1.8 nM.1 It displays marked antitumor activity in MET-dependent tumor models.2 It crosses the blood-brain barrier and displays intracranial antitumor activity.3 Tepotinib can overcome EGFR inhibitor resistance mediated by aberrant c-Met activation4 and is in clinical use for non-small cell lung cancer harboring MET exon 14 skipping alterations.
>98% TLC
NMR: (Conforms)
Materials provided by Focus Biomolecules are for laboratory research use only and are not intended for human or veterinary applications. Please note that we do not sell to individuals and that all orders placed by non-research organizations will incur a $20 restocking/refund fee
Tepotinib (1100598-32-0) is a selective type 1b MET inhibitor. In biochemical assays using His6-tagged recombinant human MET kinase domain, tepotinib inhibited kinase activity in a concentration-dependent manner with IC50=1.8 nM.1 It displays marked antitumor activity in MET-dependent tumor models.2 It crosses the blood-brain barrier and displays intracranial antitumor activity.3 Tepotinib can overcome EGFR inhibitor resistance mediated by aberrant c-Met activation4 and is in clinical use for non-small cell lung cancer harboring MET exon 14 skipping alterations.
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