Canagliflozin Effects on Murine Lifespan
JM Snyder and coworkers report in the August issue of Geroscience that canagliflozin, a clinically important anti-diabetic agent, results in a 14% increase in median lifespan
JM Snyder and coworkers report in the August issue of Geroscience that canagliflozin, a clinically important anti-diabetic agent, results in a 14% increase in median lifespan
Chroman 1 is an important new small molecule tool for the generation and maintenance of stem cells. An extremely potent (1 pM) inhibitor of Rho kinase
In a recent paper in Cell Research, Li and coworkers explored the nuclear function of RIPK1 and demonstrated that RIPK1 phosphorylates a key component of the
In the August issue of J. Antibiotics (Tokyo) Yoshida and coworkers at the University of Tsukuba reviewed their excellent work on synthesis, SAR, biology and chemical
Yan and coworkers have demonstrated a potential way to boost innate immune attack on solid tumors. They found that Rocaglamide, a structurally novel natural product, promoted
Mitapivat is an allosteric activator of red blood cell pyruvate kinase, the enzyme that performs the final step of glycolysis: it catalyzes the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate
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